TX Factor
Episode 20
In this episode we conclude our coverage from Hamfest 2017 with an overview of the Yaesu Fusion Repeater DR2, SOTAbeam’s ‘Click2Tune for Icom’, BHI’s ParaPro EQ20 DSP, and SDRplay’s newly launched RSP1A SDR receiver. Bob gives and overview on getting started with SDR using an inexpensive RTL-based USB dongle and SDRSharp, but we bring you the chance to win the more comprehensive RSP1A SDR receiver from SDRplay, coupled with the best-selling book on the subject, SDR by Andrew Barron ZL3DW. This draw is now closed.
To see a list of all our previous shows, click here
Show Notes for Episode 20 (TXF020)
Please note that all URL links included in these notes are, to the best of our knowledge, correct and have been tested, although from time to time some may appear not to be working at the time of reading this. Sorry for the inconvenience, however, these things do happen, and a search on Google or similar should provide you with more up-to-date links.
Yaesu System Fusion DR2
To find out more about the latest Yaesu Fusion repeaters go to yaesu.co.uk.
Karl Brazier G7AFT is their Technical Sales Manager and can be contacted at karl.brazier@yaesu.co.uk
SOTAbeams has an excellent website at sotabeams.co.uk where you can see the full range of products including the Click To Tune featured in this episode.
BHI is famous for its extensive range of noise cancellation products. You can find details of the whole range at bhi-ltd.com
SDRPlay has an excellent website at sdrplay.com as well as a YouTube channel full of demos, reviews and guides.
If you are interested in trying out SDR the cheapest way then all the information you need is at rtl-sdr.com, including an excellent quick start guide and links to all the drivers and software you will need. Digital Speech Decoder DSD +1.071 which is featured in this episode is a free download that enables your computer to decode DMR, D Star and Fusion transmissions when used with an RTL Dongle and SDR Sharp software, or indeed any SDR receiver. See dsdplus.com
To use DSD Plus you will also need to install Virtual Audio Cable, which we highly recommend you have on your computer anyway, as it’s very useful in all kinds of ham radio applications where audio needs to be routed between radios and various apps. Don’t download it from one of the many sites that offer download links such as CNET or Softonic, instead, go to the actual VAC homepage at software.muzychenko.net/eng/vac.htm
For a fully detailed PDF fact sheet of episode 20 (TXF020) show-information click here